That's pronounced uh-lee-ta.
By day I'm a librarian; been a teen librarian for the last 5 years, before that I was a librarian at a local art museum.
By night I'm a lot of different things: couch potato, knitter, artist, daydreamer, someday author (see the previous)... I could go on forever.
I'm also the creator of Hair Ware. www.hairware.etsy.com Fun and frivolous barrettes for the individual person. I use a lot of toys and polymer clay in my barrette making. I like to make things I would want to wear. And I've heard that they would sell better in person than on Etsy, so I'm going to start selling at craft fairs with the tutelage of my friend Jennifer. I'm hoping my first one will be in September.
Ooh look, some of the barrettes match my background.